Summer is time for experiments. The best way to get inspired and motivated to go beyond the ordinary and reach for the high is to keep a close eye on street fashion. This selection of the best summer street style looks will introduce you to what is currently in trend. Let's go!

Colors are important

For several years in a row, unusual colors have remained in fashion. They attract attention not only with their strange names (such as "frog in love" or "child's surprise") but also with the simplicity of their combination. If you choose a bright color in the summer, it is not necessary to resort to a complex style and silhouette. It is enough to choose clothes of a regular shape, but of an interesting shade.

The accent in color can be made even on shoes. Take a basic white or black dress and play it up with sandals or loafers in a non-standard shade.

Prints for every taste

Summer is the time to show your creativity, which means that in your outfits you can give preference to various patterns that look especially stylish in pantsuits.

Do not oversaturate the image and choose a simple design for your accessories. But you can experiment with color!

White is in fashion in any weather

The best color in summer is, of course, white, because it so skillfully conveys elegance and femininity in the image that it seemed that no other shade could do it so well.

Use white in everything: elongated shirts, blouses with pants or dresses - it is a winner in any silhouette. And a small detail in the form of sunglasses or a favorite handbag will only emphasize the expressiveness of the chosen outfit.

Accessories are the basis

Any image is considered incomplete without a mandatory element - an accessory. Street style stars now prefer brightness in the choice of a bag, massiveness in the form of jewelry and non-standard in the shape of glasses. Thus, in order to show your uniqueness, it is not necessary to chase complex silhouettes, you should just pay attention to the details.

Street style becomes a source of inspiration for everyone who is looking for interesting combinations of street looks. However, you should not forget that your image will be successful only when you learn to understand yourself, and not copy the taste of others.

July 20, 2022